What is the 403 error on CBS about? How to get rid of it?

To stream CBS programs on CBS All Access you will need a valid subscription. But, even though you have a CBS All Access subscription, you might get the platform 403 error as you try to stream your favorite programs. What is the error about, and how to get rid of the 403 error on CBS?

If you are new to streaming online, then this might be the first error message like this that you see. But, if you read the entire error message, you will, in fact, see the explanation of the error in the actual message.

403 error cbs

If you take a look at the 403 code on the image above, you will see “GeoLocatioBlocked This content is not available in your location.” This is the explanation of the error message itself. So, if you try to stream CBS content in a location in which you are not allowed to stream CBS, you will get this message. But, where can you stream CBS, and where can’t you stream CBS?

So, where can I stream CBS?

The truth is that CBS (All Access) is only available to people living in the United States. To sign up for CBS you need an American address and an American payment card. These are parts of the process to make sure that only people in the USA can stream CBS. But, if you have signed up while in the USA, or followed these steps to sign up for CBS abroad, you will still get the 403 error as you try to stream CBS outside the USA.

To get rid of the 403 error message, you will need to fake your IP address. This can be done using the VPN services of ExpressVPN. Follow these steps if you are eager to get rid of the 403 error message on CBS.

  • First, you need to visit the ExpressVPN website and sign up for their VPN services. They have a 30-day full refund policy. It is also worth knowing that with ExpressVPN you can access Hulu outside the USA, Amazon Prime outside the USA, and watch American Netflix abroad.
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  • After signing up, please download the ExpressVPN application to your computer, tablet, or phone. Open the application and connect to a server in the United States.
  • Restart your browser or the CBS application on your portable device.
  • You can now stream CBS wherever you might be in the world.

The 403 error is now history

We hope you will never see the 403 platform error on CBS ever again. If you do get into trouble or have one or more questions, please write them down in the comment field beneath.

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