God Friended Me is a brand new CBS series that will have its premiere on September 30th. The first episode is out on a pre-release on CBS All Access, and I have watched it!
I like all sorts of TV series, but my favorite categories are comedies and action series. God Friended Me falls into the first category, and in God Friended Me we are sucked into the story from the first moment.
Miles, a guy who grew up in a Christian home, hosts his podcast in which he claims that there is no God and we all need to take responsibility for our own lives instead of trusting and expecting something from an outer source. He is about to break through with his podcast when his life suddenly takes a big turn. What’s happening? God wants to become his friend on Facebook! He tries to reject the friend request several times, but in the end, he gives up and accepts God as his friend. What is the consequence? Suddenly God recommends people Miles should get friends with. And this is when things get interesting!
I will not give up the full story of the first episode, but it really caught hold of me, and it gave me quite some laughs, and it seems to be a perfect TV series for families.
The first episode will be aired on CBS on September 30th, but if you have a CBS All Access subscription, you can watch it online already. The second and the third episode will be aired on CBS on October 7th and on October 14th. Are you living abroad, or want to know more about how you can watch CBS All Access outside the USA, click the link.
Want to know even more about God Friended Me? Take a look at the trailer beneath to get a better insight in the TV series.
Again, I have seen the first episode fo God Friended Me, and I really liked it. Now I am looking forward to the upcoming episodes, and I do hope they will keep the story up and make it even more interesting.
You can draw comparisons between God Friended Me and TV series like Ghost Whisperer, but this is way more harmless, and much more fun. Give it a try, at least I am happy that I did.
Have you seen the first episode of God Friended Me yet? How did you like it?