How to watch Top Gun (1986) on Netflix?

The movie Top Gun: Maverick has recently been an enormous success in cinemas worldwide. But what can you do if you want to stream the original Top Gun movie from 1986 on Netflix starring Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Anthony Edwards, and several other famous actors on Netflix? Is Top Gun on Netflix?

Tom Cruise in Top Gun

It is incredible to watch the Top Gun movie from 1986 on Netflix. Not only because it is a legendary movie but because it is strange to see how young Tom Cruise was back then. The movie is exceptional, so you have plenty of reasons to look for it on Netflix.

But what can you do if you search for Top Gun on Netflix but cannot find the movie? That isn’t strange because there are only a few countries worldwide where you can currently stream Top Gun on Netflix. Based on our research and experience, you can only stream it on Netflix in Sweden and Denmark. That might change in the future, but the movie is on Netflix in those countries.

What can you do if you live in Australia, France, Russia, or Mexico and want to stream Top Gun on Netflix?

Top Gun on Netflix

Watch Top Gun on Netflix today!

We discovered Top Gun on Netflix by coincidence as we were looking for a VPN to help us watch Swedish Netflix abroad. We found that the VPN service SurfsharkVPN could assist people who want to stream content on Swedish Netflix. As we looked around among the content on Netflix in Sweden, we discovered the movie Top Gun from 1986, starring Tom Cruise.

Since then, the movie Top Gun has been removed from Swedish Netflix, but instead, you can watch Top Gun on Netflix in Canada, the USA, Germany, and Japan. What can you do with this information?

Stream Top Gun on Netflix.

  • The first thing you need is a VPN subscription to SurfsharkVPN.
    Click the button below to visit their website and get a significant discount.
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If you purchase a SurfsharkVPN subscription, you are always protected by its 30-day full refund policy.

  • Download the SurfsharkVPN application and connect to a server in Japan, Canada, or the United States.
    Surfshark has applications for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Android, iOS, FireTV, and other platforms, making it easy to use no matter what platform you use.
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  • Open the Netflix application on your device or visit
    You will now have access to all the content on Netflix in the country of your selection, and you can now watch Top Gun online.
Top Gun on Netflix

I hope these instructions have helped you and that you are ready to watch Top Gun on Netflix. Do you have any questions or comments? Use the comment field below.

It is essential to know that Netflix often removes content, meaning that Top Gun might be removed from Netflix in Sweden in the near future. If you have information about Top Gun being removed from Netflix in Sweden, or if you know of other countries in which you can stream Top Gun on Netflix, please write a comment below as well and let us hear from you.

Other benefits of your VPN.

Have you used SurfsharkVPN for some days already? Have you streamed all the content you were looking for on Netflix in Sweden? You can now use Surfshark to watch content on Netflix in other countries such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the USA, Canada, Japan, and many others. Use the same method described above, but connect to a server in your country of interest.

SurfsharkVPN also comes with additional benefits such as an AntiVirus tool, protection against malware on websites, tools that will check if your email address is included in data breaches, and encrypting your data online like you surf the web. At the same time, you are connected to one of their VPN servers.

Have a wonderful time watching Meg Ryan, Val Kilmer, and Tom Cruise in the original Top Gun movie from 1986 on Netflix.

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