STEPN Christmas rewards boost

Did you get a big surprise as you used the STEPN application? I went for a walk yesterday but as I finished my walk after 15 minutes, I suddenly noticed that I had earned twice as much GST in the same amount of time. What happened? Is it a STEPN bug? What caused the GST rewards to boost?

It isn’t very hard to find out what happened if you look inside the STEPN application. Next to the bar showing your daily GST earning, you can see a Christmas tree. If you click the Christmas tree, you will get to a page showing you what it is all about.

Between December 16th and January 1st, STEPN will double the GST earnings of all users. If you normally need to walk 20 minutes to earn 20 GST, you only need to walk ten minutes to earn the same amount of GST tokens right now. This is brilliant. Does this mean that you will double your earnings? Not necessarily. Why is that?

There is a GST earnings caps, and you will not be able to earn more. If you haven’t been close to it, you might actually double your earnings. But, if you reached the top of your earnings cap daily before, then the only difference now is that you only have to spend half the time to reach your earnings cap.

There are other bonuses as well from STEPN. To get those you need to enhance 5 STEPN sneakers. IF you do that, you can win a Christmas sock or a sneaker, and these will later let you become a part of airdrops and special rewards.

Happy Christmas to everyone, and try to exercise between family programs and Netflix binging this Christmas as well (with or without STEPN).

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