You might not even know that Love Actually 2 exist, but for Red Nose Day in 2017 the Love Actually crew reunited and created a 17 minutes short-movie. What has happened to the Love Actually people since it originally aired?
In the United Kingdom the short movie was aired on March 24th on BBC, while it was aired on NBC in the United States on May 25th. Since then the short movie has been available on the NBC website, but it will only remain available till June 2nd, so if you want to stream it online you better hurry up!
- If you want to find out more about how you can stream NBC online from abroad, click here.
We haven’t watched the entire short movie yet, but we have started, but will watch the rest back home tonight at the couch with someone we love. That is the perfect way to watch the follow up movie to one of the biggest movie hits in the last 15 years.
Love Actually is first of all known as a Christmas movie, but the follow up Red Nose Day special is set more for the Red Nose Day and helping to raise funds for the clowns helping sick children.
Are you in the mood for streaming the Love Actually Red Nose Day special? Hurry up before it disappears. We did a quick search at Amazon to see if we could possibly purchase the short film, but that is not possible at the moment either. So again, hurry up and watch it on the NBC website before it will disappear on June 2nd.
Have you got information on other websites where you can stream Love Actually 2 online? Please write a comment and let us now!
I missed out on this one. Do you have any clue where I can stream Love Actually Red Nose day special online at the moment?