Would you like to watch Deepwater Horizon on Netflix? The movie is based on a true story from 2010, and the movie itself was released in 2016.
Deepwater Horizon features the famous actors Mark Wahlberg and Kurt Russell. It has received fairly good critics and it currently has a 7,3/10 score on iMDB. The director Peter Berg has also received praise for his work, but the movie has passed by in many countries without making much noise. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, then it just turned available in one single Netflix region, and that is Canadian Netflix.
Do you wonder how to get access to Canadian Netflix? Read the following article to find out.
On Rotten Tomatoes the movie has a 84% critics score, while the audience score is 82%. That is far higher than the average movie, meaning that this might be a film that you want to set aside two hours to watch. Beneath you can see the trailer if the movie has caught your attention, but you are still not sure whether or not you want to watch it.
Have you seen Deepwater Horizon on Netflix? Or maybe you watched it in the theaters? How did you like the movie? Would you recommend it to others? Please use one minute to write down your thoughts on the movie before surfing on to read about some other subject!