You can now skip the recap on Netflix

Netflix is improving in many ways. One of the latest improvements is the possibility to skip the recap as you stream one of your favorite TV shows online.

We were just about to stream the first episode of season two of Designated Survivor. This was a TV series we really appreciated a lot the previous season, and Kiefer Sutherland did a great job as the new American President. Now we are curious to see if they manage to keep the tempo and the excitement up in the second season. But, before we even got to stream the show, we got excited about a little text in the bottom right corner of the window which said: “Skip recap.”

skip recap netflix
You can now skip the recap on Netflix

If you take a look at the picture above you will see the Skip Recap text yourself. If you press the button you will skip the “summary” of the previous episode, and jump straight to the action in the new episode. This might seem like a minor upgrade, but if you stream a lot of content on Netflix, this will save you 2-3 minutes per episode, which is a fairly large amount of time.

Are you happy about this improvement on Netflix? We are really happy! But, now it is time to finish this article so that we can stream the pilot episode of the second season of Designated Survivor for real! Might come back with an article on the pilot episode a bit later!

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