Different earning strategies in STEPN… Which to choose?

When people look at STEPN at first glimpse, it is easy to think that everything is about having high efficiency and maxing out your GST earnings. But, if you keep on reading this article, you will soon understand that this isn’t the only earning strategy in STEPN. Who knows, maybe this article will make you approach STEPN and its earnings potential with a different perspective?

We all want to be healthy and STEPN is an awesome tool that already helps hundreds of thousands of people to hit the streets daily, not to burn rubber, but to burn calories! It is a reward in itself that STEPN brings a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, but we all know that the financial perspective is very important as well.

But, how can you earn with STEPN? How much can you earn with STEPN? Is STEPN all about maximizing your GST earnings?

stepn earning strategies

Three different earnings methods in STEPN

Here I will show you three different ways in which you can approach earnings in STEPN.

Maximizing your Efficiency for GST earnings

This is the one we all know about and that most people use. In this strategy, you add all level-up points to Efficiency and some to Resilience. This is the easiest earning method and for people with little energy (2-4 energy), this is probably the best method for earning with STEPN. It is also brilliant for those with more energy.

Maximizing your Luck for Mystery boxes

Maybe you haven’t thought about this, but it is absolutely a method worth thinking about. Do you know why? If you manage to maximize your sneaker and start to get mystery boxes level 2 or higher, that is a daily “reward” worth 0.8 BNB ($200) at the moment (that is the cheapest level 2 gem on BSC) or 3.2 SOL ($130) at the moment. And remember, that is the cheapest level 2 gem currently, you can easily end up getting a gem at level 2 with twice or three times the value.

If you are good and lucky, you might easily end up with much higher rewards with this method than when you hunt for GST earnings.

mystery box earnings in stepn

It is very important to notice that this is not a method for those with 2-4 Energy as the energy used during a session greatly influences the outcome when it comes to mystery boxes. This is a strategy only recommended for people with at least 9-10 Energy. The more energy, the better the chances of getting a better mystery box. Those who aim for this strategy should maximize the luck attribute of their sneaker and only make sure to earn enough GST in order to pay for the repair of the shoe.

Maximizing your Comfort for future GMT earnings

This is something of the future, but it might be wise to prepare for this already. We are promised that the Comfort attribute will be the important attribute for future GMT earnings, just like Efficiency is important for GST earnings today. This will only be available to those with sneakers level 30 (or higher). This is still not available, but it is the music of the future.

gmt earnings in stepn

Where to earn – Solana, BSC, or a new realm?

I have described three different earning methods for STEPN above. But, it is very important to think about in which realm you want to earn and where you have your sneakers at the moment before your progress. What do I mean?

If you have 15 sneakers right now, 14 on Solana, and 1 on BSC, you will have a total of 12 Energy available per day that you can spend either on Solana or on BSC. This will change very soon. Probably within the coming weeks, it will look like this.

  • 14 sneakers on Solana = 9 daily energy that can only be used on Solana.
  • 1 sneaker on BSC = 2 daily energy that can only be used on BSC.

In other words, you will have a different energy meter for the two chains. It is probably worth in the above example to buy one more sneaker on Solana in order to get 15 sneakers and 12 daily energy.

Where do you have most sneakers?

If all your sneakers are on Solana, then that is where you should work and grow your income. Feel free to work with several sneakers and have one specialized for GST earnings, one for GMT earnings (future), and one for mystery boxes.

If you have a few sneakers on BSC and most others on Solana it is probably wise to optimize your BSC sneakers for GST earnings, while you use your Solana sneakers for GST/GMT/MB earnings.

Is BSC the chain on which you own your sneakers (or most of them)? Then this is the place to optimize your sneakers for one of the different earning methods described above.

What about new realms?

STEPN will soon launch on a new blockchain, in addition to BSC and Solana. When this will happen, you will receive 1 daily energy in addition if you own sneakers on Solana and 1 daily energy if you have a sneaker on BSC. This will only last for 2 months. If you own one sneaker in the new realm (2 daily energy) and also own sneakers on BSC and Solana, this will give you a +2 daily energy boost for the first two months.

A new realm might experience bigger volatility than Solana, and even more than BSC (which is starting to calm down). This might cause the GST price on the new realm to pump a lot, opening for big earnings (GST). It is hard to predict this, but if you are lucky, then having a sneaker with high efficiency in the new realm has the potential of becoming a good source for high earnings on STEPN for a while after launch.

Do you have any other earning methods/strategies on STEPN that you would like to share? Please write a comment below. If you want to read further articles about STEPN in the IP Address Guide check the related article below or take a look at the following page.

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