Stars in their Eyes is one of the popular programs currently featured on ITV in the United Kingdom. The show was earlier broadcasted on UK television, actually from 1990 until 2006 when it was taken of the air, but now it is about to come back again.
In Stars in Their Eyes people impersonate celebrities and to their uttermost to be as similar to them as possible. Some of the celebrities people often imitate are Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard, Cher, George Michael, Celine Dion, Kylie Minogue and Madonna, but as the show starts up over again we will probably see some more modern artists being imitated as well, such as Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and so on.
Stars in Their Eyes will be shown on ITV, and that means that you can see the programs online the website of ITV. That is brilliant, but if you try to watch Stars in Their Eyes on ITV online from outside the United Kingdom you will soon find out that it is not working, because they only have rights to broadcast the program in the United Kingdom. That is why you need to get yourself an IP address in the United Kingdom, because as you get one, you will at once be able to watch ITV again, also from abroad, and thus you can watch Stars in Their Eyes and other ITV shows such as Coronation Street, Take Me Out, Emmerdale and similar shows online. To get a UK IP address we recommend using the VPN services of the British company Privax named HideMyAss. To know more about their services we recommend reading our review. To simply visit their website to quickly get yourself a UK IP address, click the button beneath.